Why is Green Polyethylene Important when it comes to the Environment? Most disposable plastic bags and other types of packing and plastic containers are made from petroleum-based polyethylene, which is a non-renewable and scarce recourse. The manufacturing of these plastic products emits CO2, a greenhouse gas...

Every day, freezer bags are used in large quantities in the ordinary household. If you want to reduce the amount of traditional plastic, here is a place where you can really make a difference by changing your habits and using more environmentally friendly plastic products....

Consumers today are becoming more and more aware of their impact on the environment. Many people try to make a difference and live as environmentally friendly as possible. Dog owners can do something good for the environment choosing dog bags in green polyethylene. Not only...

All products normally produced in traditional polyethylene can be produced in green polyethylene. We have a large selection of bags, sacks and liners for everyone that wants to be more environmentally friendly in the waste management industry. Bags, sacks and liners in green polyethylen helps...