The Environment

Fortunately, there is a big consensus all over the world that we should take care of our planet and be aware of the environment. Plastic pollution is a big issue and there is a lot of projects working on solving this huge problem.


As a consumer it can be difficult to figure out what to do to make a difference. A simple way to look at it is that we all unite in reducing the use of plastic, reuse it when possible and collect plastic to reuse it in new products. Plastic should not be left in nature but should be reused and recycled.


Traditional Polyethylene (PE) is normally produced from fossil raw materials such as oil or natural gas and is found in many everyday products that we all have come to love and hate. The EU parliament estimates that in 2015 the production of plastic was 322 million tons in the world and that 30% of that is being recycled, 31% ends in landfill and 39% gets incinerated.


Recycling plastic reduces waste going to landfill and incinerators. Similarly, sourcing natural polyethylene from a sustainable source, dramatically lowers the carbon footprint compared to traditional plastics.


GreenPolly aims to make a difference. Our wish is to consume and recycle otherwise discarded plastics, we want to focus on plastic production that is based on renewable raw materials – that is plants, that you can grow again and again.


The green polyethylene in the GreenPolly products is based on sugarcanes, that are mostly grown in Brazil. Brazil is a huge agricultural country and produces a lot of food. Sugarcanes is cultivated mainly in the southeast of Brazil, far away from the Amazon Forest and the sugarcanes are often planted on degraded pastureland. Only 2% of Brazils entire agricultural area was used for sugarcane cultivation and only half of it was used for the production of bio ethanol



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